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Student-mothers who study vocationally related higher education programmes are a relatively under-researched group. Specifically, there is a paucity of research into the emotions that these learners experience. This article discusses a qualitative investigation that examined the emotional narratives that a group of vocational student-mothers offered. They were studying for a foundation degree for teaching assistants at a university in the North of England. The student-mothers were largely found to have experienced positive emotions. However, familial and workplace guilt had also been encountered. These emotions emanated from notions about how family and workplace time should be used. Student-mothers managed this cognitive dissonance by stressing the reciprocal relationships that existed between their studies, family lives and school work. However, for many of these learners familial and workplace guilt was a strong and continuing emotion.  相似文献   
This paper examines the values of the CHE principles of Connectivity, Humanness and Empathy as a guiding framework for maximizing the ethical and methodological advantages of semi-structured interview research practices. The authors draw from two separate educational studies and apply the CHE principles to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of decision-making in facilitating sustainable relationships with the participants in each study. Findings highlight that dialogical relations with participants were evident in both studies, and identify significant junctures where decision-making and actions influenced effective rapport-building and respectful and reciprocal relationships with participants in the research. The CHE principles emerge as providing a robust framework for educational researchers to employ when auditing their decision-making prior to and during their engagement in qualitative interviews.  相似文献   
校本课程开发已成为我国当前课程改革的一项重大举措。在实践中,要保证校本课程开发、实施的质量,教师的研究能力是一个重要的条件。要让教师成为校本课程的开发者和研究者,进行教师“叙事研究”是一条有效途径。  相似文献   
甲午战败后,由于张之洞与维新派在救亡和变法等方面有许多共同之处,双方进行合作。张之洞在合作过程中坚持为我所用的方针和“中体西用”的指导思想。由于在思想等方面的矛盾,张之洞与维新派的合作关系最终破裂。  相似文献   
发轫于美国的标准化考试在世界范围内被大规模采用,但是,可以说标准化考试是在人们的批评声中走到今天的。为什么人们在如此强烈批评它的同时仍然一如既往地使用它?到底应该如何评价标准化考试?在分析美国标准化考试的现状、问题之后,从教育和文化的视角对标准化考试进行了审视,认为标准化考试有其存在的合理性,但在试题的设计、考试成绩的使用以及在教育评价指标中所在的权重应作到科学、客观。  相似文献   
谈高校图书馆流通系统的现代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本阐述了高校图书馆流通系统现代化面临的一些主要问题,分别以管理手段,运行环境,服务领域三个方面说明了高校图书馆流通系统现代化的重要意义,随着网络的建成,为实现图书资料信息的资源共享和开放式服务提供了可能,并进一步拓宽服务领域,开展多样化图书服务。  相似文献   
文章旨在揭示智能化时代的教育将面临哪些新的伦理问题,并在人工智能伦理和教育伦理的基础上,探讨教育人工智能的伦理原则。运用文献研究和逻辑推理方法,系统梳理了教育人工智能应用的特点和优势,及其可能引发的新的伦理问题:(1)角色层面,系统创建者、教师、学生和监测员等利益相关者将面临更加复杂的伦理困境;(2)技术层面,涉及自动化决策伦理问责、算法伦理和数据伦理等方面的问题;(3)社会层面,可能转变就业市场、改变人际关系和引发新的社会不公平。因此,需要对教育人工智能伦理问题的复杂性有充分的认识,同时需要遵循一般的人工智能伦理原则和教育伦理原则,其中,最核心的内容为二者之间的交集,具体包括:(1)福祉;(2)是非善恶;(3)公平正义;(4)人权和尊严;(5)自由自治;(6)责任和问责。  相似文献   
教育技术专业建设中,教学改革一直是专业研究焦点之一,其教学质量的高低,直接影响教育技术人才能力,进而影响整个教育技术事业的健康成长。为此,2006年4月,浙江师范大学教育学院特地组织了关于"教育技术学课程与教学改革"的调研。从调研的分析结果得到,多媒体与网络技术的实践开发能力、信息技术教学能力、以及科研能力,信息素养是毕业生在实际工作中的必备能力。并在此基础上,从提高教育技术毕业生的工作适应性能力角度探讨专业教学的改革对策。  相似文献   
Faculty use of technology is a critical issue in higher education; administrators and students are expecting faculty instruction to incorporate technology in classroom and distance education. Competition is demanding technologically proficient graduates for schools and colleges. Research indicates that computer self-efficacy (CSE) may be one determinant of who uses technology and who does not. A survey of education faculty at the Lebanese University in Beirut, Lebanon, conducted in 2006, revealed varying degrees of CSE; of 127 respondents, 14 had low levels of CSE; 68 were at a moderate level, and 45 self-evaluated themselves to have high CSE. Although other barriers may deter the implementation of technology in teaching, strategies and techniques for increasing CSE should be developed. For those with low CSE, special attention must be given to enhancing their levels of CSE.
Hanadi Kassem SalehEmail:
柯晓华 《职业技术》2006,(14):76-77
双语教学模式在理工科专业课程中开展已成为主流,本文旨在指出C语言程序设计课程纯母语教学模式的不足之处,分析双语教学模式的现状及其与C语言课程结合的优势,探讨此模式的理论基础和教学方法等问题,尝试为高校计算机专业课程开展双语教学提供一些新的思路。  相似文献   
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